As winter settles in and December unfolds, the fashion world is abuzz with a resounding declaration: tartan plaid is the trend to embrace this season. After making a striking resurgence in the past two fall/winter seasons, tartan plaid is now commanding significant attention from leading fashion houses and trendsetting aficionados as we enter 2012.
Tribal Clothing Fashion Prints
As denizens of New York, we find ourselves eternally ensconced within a realm of ebony ensembles, a domain where individuals of all ages navigate bustling thoroughfares adorned in a symphony of subdued, single-hued fashions. In this locale, the passage of time and the changing seasons momentarily usher in bursts of vibrant hues before receding once more into the timeless palette of bygone days, characterized by shades of black, white, and gray.
Celebrities In Halloween Costumes
In this article we examine some of the more notable celebrities in some of the more facinating Halloween costumes.
Man Bags Fashion Trends
In this post we take a look at some of the more fashionable and trendy man bags / murses,
Mens Boots Fashion
Winter and colder fall weather equal amazing, trendy and luxurious men’s boots fashion! Lets explore!
Warby Parker Eye Glasses Fashion
Let’s take a look at the always stylish and always on trend eyeglasses by Warby Parker.
Snooki Fashion Label and Clothing Line
For better or worse, we explore the fashion label and clothing Line by Jersey Shore icon Snooki!
Lady Gaga Fashion Line Launches
Let’s explore that facinating fashion creations of the iconic and always stylish Lady Gaga!
British Fashion Trends
Autumn’s fashion trends are revving up as the sun bids farewell to summer. It appears that this season is igniting a global buzz with scorching headlines, emanating from our country’s roots, whether patriarchal or matriarchal in today’s context.