Feng Shui Decorating for the Home

How to Use Feng Shui Decorating in Your Home

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We’ve all been spending a lot of time at home lately. If the energy in your home is starting to feel a little bit stale, you may be starting to think of ways to switch it up. Luckily, there is the Chinese art of feng shui. Feng shui decorating is the art of “arrangement,” if you will; that is, organizing your space and positioning elements in certain spots to balance the “chi,” or energy, in the space.

What Does “Feng Shui” actually mean?

In Chinese, the word “feng” means “wind”, and the word “shui” means “water”.

The art of Feng Shui and elements found in nature

The art of feng shui relies heavily on elements found in nature. The art incorporates, specifically, wood, earth, metal, water, and fire. The ways that these elements are related support each other create a balance. Choosing which elements you prioritize in your space will determine the energy of that space, since each element is associated with different qualities and areas of one’s life.

Each feng shui element is associated as follows:

  • Earth: associated with being grounded and stable, health, and knowledge. It is achieved through flat and square shapes, as well as the colors brown, orange, and yellow.
  • Metal: associated with being precise, efficient, and helpful. This is achieved through round and spherical shapes, the color white, and of course, metallics.
  • Water: associated with change and flow, as well as career achievements. Water’s energy is represented with wavy or curvy shapes, and the color black.
  • Wood: associated with expanding and vitality, as well as upward movement. It also represents family and health. Wood is represented through columnar and rectangular shapes and the colors green and blue.
  • Fire: associated with passion, brilliance, fame, and it is illuminating. It is represented through triangular or pointy shapes and the color red.
Feng Shui Square Shapes Nazmiyal

Flat and square shapes represent the earth element.

General Approach Feng Shui Decorating

When you are decorating your home using feng shui, consider what sort of energy you want to achieve in each specific room of the home. For example, it’s likely you want your home office to be associated with energy and success, while the bedroom should be associated with calmness and sensuality.

An important element in feng shui is called the commanding position. This refers to the spot in the room that is the furthest from the door, but not directly in line with it. It should involve a clear line of sight to the door as well. Usually, this spot is diagonal from the door. The commanding position is the dominant spot in the room and likely where you spend the most time in the room. Place the important elements of each room in this spot. For example, in your bedroom, this would be where you place the bed. In the home office, this would be where you place your desk, and so on.

Feng Shui Commanding Position Nazmiyal

An example of the commanding position.

Another important part of feng shui is the doors. The front door of the home is incredibly important as, in feng shui, this is where all of the energy comes from. The door should not be blocked in any way and should be welcoming. If possible, make sure the entryway is open as not to block positive energy flow. This goes for all of the doors in your household as well; keep them unblocked so energy can flow freely.

Next, consider the air and the light in your space. Lots of natural light and air flow are crucial to good feng shui decorating. In your home, this will translate to lots of big windows to let the sunlight in, as well as plenty of fresh air on a warm day. If you are opting for curtains, try sheer window coverings to promote privacy but still let in enough natural light.

Feng Shui Natural Light Nazmiyal

Feng shui decorating involves natural light.

Finally, consider that good feng shui does not have clutter. While the old saying that “a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind” may seem cliché, it can be directly applied to feng shui decorating. Clutter gets in the way of the positive energy flow of a space. Wherever possible, incorporate attractive organizing elements, and get rid of possessions you can do without.

Keep these tips in mind as you are decorating any space in a feng shui style. Of course, there is much more than just these basics, so feel free to continue your research to create the perfect feng shui space for you. Once you start your feng shui decorating journey, you should feel the stale energy leave your space and hopefully have a new, fresh energy to work with!

How to decorate your house and increase positive energies according to feng shui?

Decorating your house according to feng shui principles can create a harmonious and balanced environment.

Here are some tips to help you get started on your calming positive energy feng shui home decor:

  • Clear clutter: Start by decluttering your home. Clutter can disrupt the flow of energy (chi) and create stagnant areas. Keep your space clean and organized to promote positive energy.
  • Map the Bagua: The Bagua is a feng shui energy map that divides your space into nine areas, each corresponding to different aspects of life. Overlay the Bagua onto your floor plan to determine which areas of your home align with specific life areas such as wealth, relationships, career, etc.
  • Balance yin and yang: Achieve a balance between yin (passive) and yang (active) energies. Use a mix of soft and bright lighting, round and square shapes, and smooth and textured surfaces to create harmony.
  • Use the five elements: Incorporate the five feng shui elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—into your decor. Each element represents different qualities and can be represented by colors, materials, and shapes. For example, wood is associated with growth and can be represented by plants or wooden furniture.
  • Enhance the entrance: The entrance is vital as it’s where energy enters your home. Make sure it is well-lit, inviting, and clutter-free. Add a welcome mat, a vibrant plant, or a beautiful piece of art to attract positive energy.
  • Position furniture mindfully: Arrange furniture in a way that promotes good flow of energy. Avoid placing furniture with sharp edges or corners facing directly at seating areas, as it can create negative energy. Place key furniture pieces, like the bed or desk, in the “commanding position,” which allows you to see the door without being in direct line with it.
  • Use mirrors strategically: Mirrors can expand and reflect energy. Place them in a way that reflects beautiful views or natural light. However, avoid placing mirrors directly facing the bed or in a way that reflects cluttered or negative spaces.
  • Choose soothing colors: Select colors that promote relaxation and balance. Soft, muted tones like earthy greens, blues, and neutrals are often recommended. However, color preferences can vary depending on the Bagua area you are decorating.
  • Incorporate natural elements: Bring in nature by adding plants, flowers, and natural materials like wood, stone, or bamboo. They help to purify the air, provide a sense of vitality, and connect you with the grounding energy of the earth.
  • Personalize with meaningful objects: Infuse your space with objects that hold positive associations or sentimental value for you. Surround yourself with artwork, photographs, or items that inspire joy and happiness.

Remember, feng shui is a highly personalized practice, and it’s essential to trust your intuition and create a space that feels good to you.

Soft Natural Light Feng Shui Decor Living Room by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Soft Natural Light Feng Shui Decor Living Room

What decoration is considered “lucky” in the feng shui house?

In feng shui, certain decorations are believed to bring luck and positive energy to the home.

Here are some decorative items that are considered auspicious and can be used as luck generating decorations:

  • Lucky Bamboo: Lucky Bamboo is a popular feng shui symbol of good fortune, prosperity, and strength. It is believed to bring harmony and positive energy to the home. Place it in a vase with water, and the number of stalks can hold specific meanings (e.g., three for happiness, five for wealth).
  • Wealth Symbols: Decorations that symbolize wealth and abundance are considered lucky. These may include objects like a laughing Buddha, a golden ingot, a wealth ship, or a wealth bowl. Displaying these symbols in the wealth area of your home (the southeast) can attract prosperity and abundance.
  • Crystals: Certain crystals are believed to possess positive energy and can be used as lucky decorations. For example, citrine is associated with wealth and abundance, rose quartz promotes love and harmony, and amethyst brings calmness and spiritual growth. Place these crystals in relevant areas of your home or where you want to enhance specific energies.
  • Wind Chimes: Wind chimes are considered to attract positive energy and ward off negative influences. Hang them near entrances or in areas with stagnant chi to encourage the flow of positive energy. Choose chimes with a pleasant sound that uplifts the atmosphere.
  • Chinese Coins: Chinese coins tied together with red string or ribbon are a popular feng shui symbol for wealth and prosperity. Hang them near the entrance or place them in the wealth area to attract good fortune and abundance.
  • Lucky Symbols: Decorations featuring lucky symbols from various cultures, such as the horseshoe, four-leaf clover, or the evil eye, are believed to bring good luck and protection. Choose symbols that resonate with you and place them in areas where you want to invite positive energy.
  • Red Decor: Red is an auspicious color in feng shui symbolizing good luck and happiness. Incorporate red decorations, such as red candles, pillows, or artwork, into your home to activate positive energy. However, use red sparingly and consider your personal preferences and the overall color scheme of your space.
  • Fish Tanks or Aquariums: Fish tanks or aquariums are considered to be lucky and bring prosperity. They symbolize the flow of abundance and vitality. Keep the tank clean and well-maintained, and choose fish that are compatible with the environment.
Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design With Natural Elements - Nazmiyal Rugs

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design With Natural Elements

Remember, the most important aspect of lucky decorations is that they resonate with you and create a positive and joyful atmosphere in your home. Trust your intuition and select items that bring you happiness and a sense of well-being.

Why is feng shui important in interior design?

Feng shui is important in interior design because it aims to create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports the well-being and flow of energy (chi) in a space.

Here are some reasons why feng shui is valued in interior design:

  • Enhances Energy Flow: Feng shui focuses on optimizing the flow of energy throughout a space. By arranging furniture, objects, and colors in a way that promotes good energy flow, feng shui helps create a balanced and harmonious atmosphere. This can contribute to a sense of calm, productivity, and overall well-being.
  • Creates Balance and Harmony: Feng shui principles seek to achieve a balance between yin and yang energies. By considering factors such as light, color, shape, and material, feng shui design aims to create a harmonious balance between different elements in a space. This balance can enhance the overall aesthetics and ambiance of the environment.
  • Supports Well-Being: Feng shui design takes into account the impact of the physical environment on human well-being. By creating a space that supports positive energy and promotes a sense of tranquility, feng shui can contribute to improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It emphasizes the importance of a clutter-free, organized, and visually pleasing environment, which can reduce stress and enhance overall quality of life.
  • Reflects Personal Intentions: Feng shui encourages individuals to connect with their own intentions and desires for their living or working spaces. By incorporating personal preferences, meaningful objects, and symbols that hold positive associations, feng shui design helps individuals create an environment that resonates with their values, aspirations, and personal energy.
  • Optimizes Functionality: Feng shui considers the functionality and practicality of a space. It aims to create an environment that supports the activities and functions that occur within it. By optimizing the arrangement of furniture, lighting, and other elements, feng shui design can enhance the flow and efficiency of daily tasks and activities.
  • Considers Environmental Factors: Feng shui takes into account the influence of the external environment on the internal space. Factors such as natural light, views, and proximity to nature are considered to optimize the energy flow within a space. By integrating natural elements and optimizing the connection with the surroundings, feng shui design can create a sense of harmony and connection with the natural world.

While feng shui is not the sole consideration in interior design, it provides a holistic approach to creating spaces that support well-being, balance, and positive energy flow. By incorporating feng shui principles, interior designers can create environments that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote a sense of harmony and overall positive energy.

Calming Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design by Nazmiyal Rugs

Calming Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design

What is considered “bad” in feng shui decor and should be avoided?

In feng shui, certain elements or design choices are considered unfavorable as they can disrupt the flow of energy (chi) and create negative or stagnant energy in a space.

Here are some elements that are generally regarded as “bad” and that one should avoid in feng shui decor:

  • Clutter: Clutter is one of the biggest culprits of stagnant energy. It obstructs the flow of chi and can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Keeping your space clutter-free and well-organized is essential for maintaining positive energy.
  • Sharp Corners and Edges: Furniture or decor items with sharp corners or edges are believed to create negative energy or sha chi. This is especially true if they are pointed towards seating or sleeping areas. To mitigate their impact, you can either soften the edges or reposition the furniture to avoid direct alignment.
  • Broken or Damaged Objects: Broken or damaged objects are considered inauspicious in feng shui as they can reflect a sense of neglect or stagnant energy. Repair or discard any broken items rather than keeping them in your living spaces.
  • Mirrors Facing the Bed: Placing a mirror that directly reflects the bed is believed to disrupt restful sleep and can cause energetic disturbances. If you have a mirror in your bedroom, make sure it does not directly face the bed or cover it with a cloth or screen while sleeping.
  • Cluttered or Blocked Entryways: An obstructed or cluttered entryway can impede the flow of positive energy into your home. Make sure your entryway is well-maintained, free from obstacles, and welcoming to allow the chi to enter and circulate freely.
  • Poor Lighting: Insufficient or harsh lighting can create a gloomy atmosphere and stagnant energy. Aim for a well-balanced lighting scheme that incorporates natural light, task lighting, and ambient lighting to create a pleasant and energetic environment.
  • Negative or Depressing Imagery: Artwork, decor, or images that evoke negative emotions or depressing themes can influence the energy of a space. Choose artwork and decor that uplifts and inspires you, promoting positive energy and well-being.
  • Dead or Dying Plants: Dead or dying plants signify decay and represent stagnant or negative energy. Maintain healthy and vibrant plants in your space, as they symbolize growth, vitality, and positive energy. Remove any dead or withered plants promptly.
  • Unbalanced Colors: Colors have specific meanings and energetic qualities in feng shui. An unbalanced or overwhelming use of certain colors can disrupt the energy flow. It’s important to choose colors mindfully and create a harmonious color scheme that supports the desired energy in each area of your home.

Remember, feng shui is a highly personalized practice, and the interpretation of “bad” elements can vary depending on specific circumstances and individual preferences. The goal is to create a space that feels balanced, harmonious, and supports your well-being. Trust your instincts and make choices that align with your own sense of comfort and positive energy.

Here are some gorgeous Chinese rugs from the Nazmiyal Collection:

Antique Chinese Ningxia Rug Nazmiyal

Antique Chinese Ningxia Rug

A Pair Of Brown Antique Dragon Chinese Runners Nazmiyal

A Pair Of Brown Antique Dragon Chinese Runners

This interior design blog about feng shui decorating was published by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs.

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