
+1 (212) 545-8029
31 East 32nd St, Floor #2
New York, NY 10016

Chinese New Year Of The Monkey by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Chinese New Year Of The Monkey

Every year Chinese New Year, which is based around the Chinese Lunar calendar, is celebrated between January 21 to February 20. It is a great time to celebrate a year of hard work, have a good rest, and relax with family.

Met Museum Exhibit: China Through Looking Glass by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Met Museum: China Through Looking Glass

Since European explorers first landed on the shores of Far East Asia in the 16th century, people in the West have been fascinated by the rich and exotic culture of the greatest oriental civilization of all, China. In the centuries that followed, traders, travelers, soldiers of fortune and empire builders brought back a vast wealth of aesthetic products and works of art to decorate their homes and to quench the thirst of eager collectors.

Educational Antique Rug Seminars by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Educational Antique Rug Seminars

We’re delighted to give the rug community a complete, hands-on look at the world of antique carpets starting with current market trends and traveling back to the 16th century.

Chinese Year Of The Horse by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Chinese Year Of The Horse

Is it too late to say “Happy New Year?” Maybe not. January 31, 2014, marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year. While last year’s celebrations focused on the benevolent, mythical dragon, this year represents a powerful and real zodiac symbol, the horse.

Antique Textile Exhibit Metropolitan Museum Of Art by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Antique Textile Exhibit Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Beginning on Monday, September 16, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City will be hosting a very special, four-month antique textile exhibit of fine antique textiles from around the world.

The massive fall exhibition, which unfolds in nine galleries throughout the museum, features more than 130 unique textiles and nearly 30 culturally significant garments, including dresses, quilts, and bedcovers from across the world.

Most Expensive Rug In The World by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Most Expensive Rug Ever Sold at Auction

As of this afternoon, there is a new antique rug that can boast the lofty distinction of being the most expensive rug ever sold at auction as a beautiful Persian carpet sold for nearly $34 million today at a Sotheby’s auction in New York City.

Roger Pratt Hajji Baba Club Rug Collector by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Roger Pratt Hajji Baba Club Collector

The Hajji Baba Club is the oldest rug society in the US, boasting members from some of New York City’s historical elite. But the club has evolved in recent years to attract the next generation of rug and textile enthusiasts. Under the helm of President Roger Pratt, the club is organizing a variety of new educational events, museum collaborations and projects designed to inspire collectors from a broad demographic profile.