Small Neutral Grey And Rustic Tones Antique Tribal Herati Design Persian Malayer Rug 45781

Size: 4 ft 3 in x 6 ft 4 in (1.3 m x 1.93 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Malayer Rugs

Rendered in a chic selection of cool neutrals, this opulent antique Persian Malayer rug depicts a stunning inset medallion decorated with angular floral arabesques.

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Antique Persian Malayer Rug, Persia, Early 20th Century – This elaborate antique Persian Malayer rug features an elegant lozenge-shaped medallion with extended pendants. Meandering rectilinear vine scrolls decorated with intricate floral motifs create an exquisite arabesque that adorns the central medallion and surrounding lozenges. Graphic large-scale florals adorn the slate-colored spandrels that line the edges of the field. Creamy ivory colored guard bands enclose the composition and the broad main borders that depict iconic turtle and vine scroll motifs, which are embellished with elongated fins and lozenge-shaped bodies rendered in a bold, angular style. The beautifully oxidized and abrashed color palette includes warm terracotta reds, cool slate blues, robust walnut browns and calming ivory hues.