Oversized Antique Persian Sarouk Farahan Carpet 46926

Size: 19 ft 3 in x 23 ft 3 in (5.87 m x 7.09 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Sarouk Rugs

Characterized by an impressive and vibrant composition, this antique Sarouk Farahan carpet from Persia showcases some of the finer points of classical Persian rug weaving. A dazzling pallet enhances an alluring design.

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Beautiful and Finely Woven Large Oversized Antique Persian Sarouk Farahan Carpet, Country of Origin: Persia, Circa: Mid-Nineteenth Century – The opulence and grandeur of the great Persian sultans is captured in this spectacular antique Persian Sarouk Farahan carpet. The vertical and horizontal symmetry of the large open design reflects stylistic notes found in the gardens of the grand Palace estates. The crisp jewel tone rug colors reflect a mastery of design that highlights the use of juxtaposition in this bold, yet elegantly executed antique palatial oversized rug.

The first thing that stands out about the artistry of this oversized antique Persian Sarouk Farahan carpet is its use of concentric medallion designs that divide the field, working from the center outward. The Islimi pattern uses alternating fields of brilliant reds, midnight blues and ivory, highlighted with floral motifs and high contrast colors.

The central rug medallion design provides an organizational theme that echoes throughout the entire Persian rug. The border of the antique rug is understated as compared to the design of the field, highlighting the large scale sweeping design of the central field.

The color palette utilizes an array of brilliant red, a range of blues, salmon, beige, yellow and ivory. Each of the design elements is executed in a way that makes it stand out on its own. Each element is outlined with a contrasting color that highlights its individual importance, as well as its contribution to the whole. This creates a delicate balance between the importance of the individual motifs and the overall impression of the design.

This design is reminiscent of the order that exists in the natural world. Within all of the beautiful curves and seemingly wandering floral elements is a sense of greater order and organization. This truly happy rug would make an excellent addition to any room that needs to make a statement expressed through brilliant color and bold geometry.

If you are looking to create a spectacular interior design with beautiful colors and elegant design, this oversized antique Persian Sarouk Farahan carpet will be hard to beat!