Vintage Silk Hereke Multiple Prayer Design Rug, Origin: Turkey, Circa: First Quarter of the 20th Century – With an intriguing and subtle composition of compartments, this monochromatic and decorative Herekeh carpet from Turkey shows the power of simple and traditional Prayer rug design. This straightforward yet unique vintage carpet consists simply of a broad set of borders, and then seven individual compartments that are separated horizontally. On the horizontal top and bottom end, an extra border appears, elongating the overall proportion of the prayer design runner carpet. The primary borders are simple: ivory and pale gold, with geometric detail elements linked together by vine scrolls. Each of the seven compartments of this vintage Turkish carpet features a different pointed figure; when the rug is viewed a a vertical silk carpet, these all point to the side. Viewed as a horizontal piece, they all point upward, in the same manner as designs in traditional prayer carpets. A unique and compelling vintage Oriental carpet, this vintage silk Herekeh carpet from Turkey is a fascinating example.
Decorative Gold Color Vintage Silk Hereke Runner Prayer Rug 48176
Size: 3 ft x 7 ft 8 in (0.91 m x 2.34 m)
Origin: Turkish Rugs
Style: Hereke Rugs
With an intriguing and subtle composition of compartments, this monochromatic Herekeh carpet from Turkey shows the power of simple and traditional rug design.