Tribal Earthy Color Room Size Antique Persian Herati Pattern Bibikabad Rug 50575

Size: 9 ft 6 in x 12 ft (2.9 m x 3.66 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Bibikabad Rugs

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Room Size Tribal Antique Persian Bibikabad Rug, Country of Origin: Persia, Circa Date: First Quarter of the 20th Century (Around 1920) – This antique Persian rug features a central white medallion that sprawls over a black, hexagonal field. The light-hued figure contains an elaborate floral pattern, detailed in brown, blue and rich cream, and additional decorations jut out from the sides and spill up and down the central axis of this antique rug. The darkness of the surrounding area contrasts sharply, but the whole is unified by the lush theme, as every inch is filled with stylized flowers. The blossoms cluster with feathery fronds, linked by stems layered in lattice-like structures. Several borders enclose the central area of this antique Persian Bibikabad rug, accenting creamy white corners with ornate blooms. The widest band is backed with pale orange, containing a set of twining vines.