Soft Plush Shag Pile Primitive Moroccan Berber Area Rug 45331


Size: 3 ft 7 in x 5 ft 5 in (1.09 m x 1.65 m)

Origin: Morocco Rugs

Style: Moroccan Rugs

Rendered in a formal style, this charming Moroccan rug features a coffered reflecting pool medallion surrounded by colorful checkers and polychromatic borders.

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Moroccan Rug, Morocco, Mid 20th Century – This exquisite Moroccan rug features a formal coffered medallion surrounded by colorful pegs, polychromatic stripes and decorative checkers. Chic checkers incorporating alternating shades of lemony yellow, aquamarine blue, saffron yellow and turquoise create a series of chic borders. Somber walnut brown details unify the diverse pattern, which features many separate elements that are repeated across the field to create borders, end stops and secondary outlines that frame the central medallion.