Finely Woven Small Scatter Size Red Background Antique Persian Sarouk Rug, Country of Origin / Rug Type: Antique Persian Rug, Circa Date: 1920’s – Like many beautiful Sarouk rugs, this elegant antique rug emphasizes the use of symmetrical forms and vibrant colors to entice the viewer and attract attention. The fiery palette can act as a particularly warm centerpiece in the right environment, and the symmetrical arrangement of the primary foreground elements results in an even more versatile decorative experience. Several fronds and petals line the interior of the thickest border, unique in their presentation as they seem to be strewn about in symmetrical directions, never facing any one consecutive direction, adding to the naturally chaotic presence of the floral elements themselves. At the heart of the antique Persian rug, the colors are at their most pronounced. Ruby reds, grapefruit pinks, misty blues and daffodil yellows all come together, creating incredible contrast at skillfully chosen points. From one corner of the small scatter size rug to the next, there are always beautifully rendered details to be seen, dazzling in arrangement and mystifying in personal movement.
Small Scatter Size Antique Persian Sarouk Rug 48718
Size: 3 ft x 5 ft (0.91 m x 1.52 m)
Origin: Persian Rugs
Style: Sarouk Rugs