An Intricately Woven Silk and Metallic Threading Persian Souf Vintage Tabriz Area Rug 51112, Knots Per Square Inch / KPSI: 600, Rug Type / Origin: Vintage Persian Rug, Circa / Rug Weaving Date: Late 20th Century – Royal gold tones effortlessly stand with beautiful earthy colors to create an opulent and memorable color palette in this jaw-dropping vintage Persian Tabriz rug. Minuscule details define the majority of the foreground at various sections throughout the Persian rug, most noticeable at the very center, where the encompassing activity unifies the entirety of the vintage Persian rug in theme as well as visual tone. Several artistic and intricately rendered borders encompass the rug and lead the viewer’s attention inward, where the vivacious array of curling stems, twining vines and billowing leaves takes them on a wild journey through the intricate details. A beautiful mandala grounds the core of the Souf rug, housing a tremendous degree of motion within its borders.
The Persian Souf rugs are are some of the most beautiful rugs ever made. They require extremely proficient and highly skilled Persian area rug weavers to create the high low pile texture in such a perfect way. So much time and attention was invested into creating magnificent Persian area rugs such as this remarkable example. From the silk and metallic aspect, to the use of beautiful yet soft coloration and topped up by that sophisticated Souf technique, absolutely no expense was spared when this rug was being created. So for those who are on the hunt for some of the best rugs in the world, finding spectacular luxurious and high-end area rugs such as this one is becoming increasingly more difficult.
This silk and metallic threading Souf vintage Tabriz Persian rug is a spectacular work of art. It is the kind of rug that is so rare and magnificent that it simply must be loved and cherished.