The 9/11 Memorial has Been Revealed
Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the greatest American tragedy throughout the United States of America’s history with the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and unfortunate rerouted crash of flight United 93. The tragic events of 9/11 instantaneously changed the world we lived in over night and continue to affect the lives of Americans in today’s time and society. The occurrence of the attacks on our nation not only afflicted lives of those in zones which were targeted, but have impacted the lives of Americans across the nation.

We, Americans, would never have expected the attacks on The World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania to ever be a fulfilled live event, yet, ten years ago, they were. Confusion, panic, fear, and sadness plagued America and provoked a complete change within our nation. Though the unfortunate events and countless deaths that resulted from the attacks were a time of chaos and horror, America has faced the adversity and banded together in solidarity to continuously foster the foundations of our country.

10 years later, America is still suffering from the attacks, but with yesterday’s unveiling of the 9/11 memorial, we, Americans, are full of hope. This idea of hope and desire to birth strength in the eyes of detriment are characteristics that no one, no organization, and no sense of hatred can ever take away from our fight for freedom. The 9/11 memorial is a reminder of the reflective nature of our retrospective selves to never forget our history and our struggle to overcome the impossible. Through its beautiful design of purity placed within two grand waterfalls and reflective wading pools, New York and the nation as a whole has created a space of remembrance, a true memorial.

The 9/11 memorial designed by Michael Arad and Peter Walker and Partners has taken 10 years to come to its full inception, and the wait was well worth it. Debates were heated, groups divided, and uncertainty shown, yet, this memorial comes at a perfect time to constantly remind us of the beauty that strength and unity have in times of hardship. Lined with beautiful swamp oak trees, which were chosen for their individual differences, a space of haunting beauty lingers paired with the sounds of running water. To see such a serene oasis in place of the rubble and debris of Ground Zero, reminds New York’ers and Americans alike that we possess the ability to overcome weakness, terror, and hardship. We will continue to fight the aftershock bestowed upon us 10 years ago, and we will forever be America, the land of dreams.
This design blog about the unavailing of the new 9/11 memorial in the financial district of New York City was published by Nazmiyal antique rugs.