Stunning Room Size Collectible Antique Silk and Metallic Thread Chinese Dragon Design Rug, Country of Origin / Rug Type: China, Circa Date: 1900 – The tengshe inhabit the cloud realms, and with their breath, they bring life-giving rain to the Earth on this breathtaking, collectible silk and metallic antique Chinese rug. The tengshe are snake-like flying dragons that live among the clouds and create the rain that brings forth abundance and good fortune. It is important to pay tribute to them because water can either be life-giving or destructive, so it is well-advised to stay on their good side.
This magnificent antique silk and metallic thread rug was created around the turn of the 20th century in China and shows the expert skill of someone more advanced in their craft. Chinese culture has a formal ranking system for craftsmen, and only those of a certain skill level were allowed to work on pieces of such high aspirations. This gives us several clues that it was not created for the mass market and this is something special.
The writing on one end might represent symbols of luck and fortune, indicate rank, the person who commissioned the piece or an express intent of use within the forbidden city. When you consider the materials, silk and metallic threads were reserved for only those of a higher rank in Chinese society as well as those that were earmarked for use in the forbidden city. This dragon Chinese rug was created around the time of the fall of China’s last imperial dynasty. This time of transition was marked by the end of the Qing dynasty between 1911-1912.
Although the exact date and circumstances of the creation of this antique rug are not known, this area rug might have been a political gift, or it might have been created to mark a special occasion. This highly collectible rug has nine dragons, which is an auspicious number meant to bring luck. The vibrant colors and extensive use of red are also a sign of good fortune. The four winds of the world are also represented in the piece along the borders.
All of these elements come together in support that this antique silk and metallic thread Chinese rug is something out of the ordinary. It is a room-sized rug, which also makes it special for a rug of this fine work and intricacy. The exact origins of this piece may be a mystery, but its magnificent beauty is not. As a collectible, this rug is a rare find and one that seldom comes around on the market. These nine tengshe will be happy to breathe abundance and good fortune on your home.