Antique Persian Kerman Rug, Country of Origin: Persia, Circa Date: Late 19th Century – Here is an exciting and beautiful antique rug – an antique Persian Kerman carpet that was woven in Persia during the waning years of the nineteenth century. Generally speaking, the Kerman style is one of the most important and most intriguing of all antique Persian area rug styles, armored by collectors for the deep sense of classical beauty that they typically communicate. A lavish allover design of flowering branches or vines repeats across the crimson-magenta ground of this lovely antique Kerman.
The vines are arranged as vertical columns in a parallel staggered array that creates dynamic diagonal effects across the field. The has a lace-like variation of the classic Persian arabesque vine scroll on a mottle ground of lavender and magenta, with ivory-ground minor vine scrolls for framing emphasis. Despite the rich use of color, the design is nonetheless light and airy because of the liberal use of ivory detail across the entire surface. A beautiful example of an important and broadly appealing style of antique Oriental rug weaving, this antique Kerman carpet is a remarkable work.