Small Size Blue Background Antique Tribal 8 Pointed Start Design Caucasian Shirvan Rug 47124

Size: 4 ft 1 in x 4 ft 9 in (1.24 m x 1.45 m)

Origin: Caucasian Rugs

Style: Shirvan Rugs

This antique Shirvan rug from the Caucasus displays an exquisite triad of Lesghi stars surrounded by an astounding collection of regional motifs and tribal symbols.

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Antique Caucasian Shirvan Rug, Caucasus– Filled with traditional designs, symbolic devices and rich Caucasian hues, this antique Shirvan rug captures the essence of regional designs. The saturated sapphire blue field of this captivating antique Caucasian Shirvan rug is emblazoned by a beautiful series of tone on tone Lesghi stars with contrasting borders. Minuscule eye motifs, S-hooks and protection symbols dot the richly colored field, which displays wonderful abrashed color variations. In an archetypal Caucasian fashion, the intricate composition incorporates multiple sets of decorative borders and guard bands that continue the auspicious symbolic theme. In this case, exquisite poly chrome eagle’s head motifs with contrasting details are accompanied by strong rectilinear guard bands that feature simplified running dog devices with clear botanical features. This stunning antique Caucasian Shirvan rug is a symbolic masterpiece filled with angular devices that have ancient origins.