Small Scatter Size Finely Woven Antique Pictoral Medallion Persian Animal Motif Kerman Throw Rug 43906

Size: 2 ft 2 in x 3 ft 3 in (0.66 m x 0.99 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Kerman Rugs

Typifying pomp and circumstance, this Kerman carpet features a royal portrait emblazoned in a central cameo surrounded by colorful swans and a promenade of lush, floral vases and pink cloud bands.

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Antique Kerman Persian Rug, Country of Origin: Persia, Circa Date: Late 19th Century – Indicated by the jewels, plumed turban ornament, and the profusion of symbolic swans, the courtier depicted in this portrait was a member of royal society. This luxurious and fine small size antique rug is an extremely impressive example of Persian rug weaving from city of Kerman and the city’s classic coral pinks. The typically western cameo is also quite unusual for any portrait produced by Islamic artists, who generally preferred broader formats.