Photo Gallery And Pictures Of Antique Persian Heriz Serapi And Bakshaish Rugs

Pictures and Image Gallery of Antique Persian Heriz Serapi And Bakshaish Rugs

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In this page, we will showcase picture of antique Persian Heriz, Serapi and Bakshaish rugs. In the past we have posted about the differences of Heriz vs Serapi vs Bakshaish but as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. As you will see in the pictures of the Persian rugs below, there are a few characteristics that you can follow to help understand how these antique rugs differ from each other. As you examine the images of the antique Persian Heriz Serapi and Bakshaish rugs below, make sure to focus on the patterns and how they relate to the overall rug design.

Pictures of Antique Persian Heriz Serapi Bakshaish Rugs from Nazmiyal Antique Rugs in NYC

Pictures of Antique Persian Heriz Serapi Bakshaish Rugs

As a general rule and as you will see in the pictures of antique Persian Heriz Serapi And Bakshaish Rugs below, you will notice that:

Now you can put the above mentioned points to the test.

Review the selection of the pictures of antique Persian Heriz Serapi and Bakshaish Rugs below:

Picture of Antique Persian Serapi Rug 48645 from Nazmiyal Antique Rugs in NYC

Picture of Antique Persian Serapi Rug #48645

Picture of Antique Persian Serapi Rug 48642 from Nazmiyal Antique Rugs in NYC

Picture of Antique Persian Serapi Rug #48642

Stunningly Rustic And Alluring Large Antique Persian Serapi Rug by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Stunningly Rustic And Alluring Large Antique Persian Serapi Rug #71379

Vibrant Tribal Geometric Antique Persian Serapi Rug by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Vibrant Tribal Geometric Antique Persian Serapi Rug #71468

Stunning Anchor Medallion Design Antique Persian Serapi Rug by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Stunning Anchor Medallion Design Antique Persian Serapi Rug #71384

All Over Design Beautiful Red Oversized Antique Persian Heriz Serapi Rug by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

All Over Design Beautiful Red Oversized Antique Persian Heriz Serapi Rug #71458

Large Antique Persian Bakshaish Rug by Nazmiyal Antique Rugs

Large Antique Persian Bakshaish Rug #71021

In this page we feature a grouping of pictures of antique Persian Heriz Serapi And Bakshaish rugs. But, in case you are interested, we also have other pages with images of Oriental rugs:

You may also want to see the other pages we have with pictures of antique rugs:

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