Fine Weave Vintage Persian Vase Design Tabriz Tree Of Life Animal Motif Rug 50003


Size: 5 ft x 8 ft 4 in (1.52 m x 2.54 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Tabriz Rugs

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Vintage Tabriz Rug, Persia, Mid 20th Century – This vintage Persian Tabriz Rug is an extraordinary instance of floral rug patterning with inclusions of bird and feather-like designs. The color palette is composed mostly of softer blues and reds, and the intricate branching of limbs and leaves compliments the well-proportioned border system. The outermost border sets an iterative tone for the rest of the rug, and the eye cannot help but jump to the bold clusters of flower petals placed throughout. In the center section, a collection of wildlife motifs can be found, representing the abundance of nature.