Fine Weave Allover Floral Design Antique Persian Khorassan Rug 50151

Size: 9 ft 10 in x 12 ft 9 in (3 m x 3.89 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Khorassan Rugs

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Antique Persian Khorassan rug, Country of Origin: Persian Rugs, Circa Date: 1920This lovely antique rug displays fifteen circular medallions in five rows of three on a soft pink field. Each medallion, rimmed in decorative blue and cream bands, contain intricate patterns of blue, gold and cream flowers and leaves against a contrasting black background; the medallions connect to one another via blossoms with cream or blue petals and also via the leaves, which maintain a ruyi pattern. The broad cream colored border carries forward the floral theme in shades of brown, red and blue. It is surrounded by two sets of guard borders, a red inner guard border containing cream and blue scrolling flowers and an outer, ornate, cream-colored guard border alternating geometric designs in black, pink and blue. The meticulous craftsmanship in the rug emerges in the careful attention to fine design and composition details. Antique Persian Khorassan rugs have been widely sought after by collectors for centuries on account of their beauty and durability.