Fine Oversized Floral Animal Design Antique Persian Kerman Rug 72499

Size: 14 ft 3 in x 29 ft 8 in (4.34 m x 9.04 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Kerman Rugs

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Extremely Fine And Beautiful Floral Animal Design Antique Persian Kerman Rug, Country of Origin / Rug Type: Antique Persian Rug, Circa: Late 19th Century – Kerman is an area known for its exquisite designs that delight collectors and designers alike. This one from the late nineteenth century has a design that seems to touch the divine. Its masterful design and attention to detail make it stand out as a rare, exquisite piece that is a rare find on the open market.

Kerman rugs are known for their distinctive design patterns, rich color palettes, and intricate designs. They are also special for the stories they tell within their threads. The motifs in this rug often represent ideals and concepts that you can come to understand as you become more familiar with them.

The graceful design depicts elegant peacocks, cypress trees, and many types of songbirds. The cypress tree is a reference to the majestic gardens that were once within the walls of palaces. They represent the concept of everlasting life. Birds usually stand for power, but the peacock has an interesting mythology behind it.

The peacock typically represents divine protection or immortality. In some cases, the peacock might represent female nobility. You can also spot cloud bands, which represent the heavens. These are only a few examples that can be found within the borders, and you will have fun exploring its meaning further.

Regardless of its meaning, this rug is graceful and majestic. The colors are warm and vibrant. The rug has a balanced design that gives it a formal feel. The precision and skill of the designer and team of craftsmen is what makes this rug stand out among others from the region. This rug is breathtaking and touches the divine in its motifs, colors, and depth of subject matter.

Kerman rugs are known as some of the most beautiful in the world, and this one is an excellent example. This rug will be a beautiful addition to your collection, private estate, or for public display. Nazmiyal Gallery is proud to present this fine piece and a rare opportunity to own a rug of this quality and design. Feel free to contact us if you would like a closer look at this magnificent piece.