Fine Light Green Color Large Antique Floral Persian Kerman Rug 43569

Size: 9 ft 8 in x 17 ft 1 in (2.95 m x 5.21 m)

Origin: Persian Rugs

Style: Kerman Rugs

A delicate medallion design reminiscent of Belgian lace unfolds across the field of this luxurious antique Kerman.

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Antique Kerman, Persia, Early 20th Century – A delicate medallion design reminiscent of Belgian lace unfolds across the delicate blue field of this luxurious antique Kerman. Undulating strings of flowering vines surround the medallion, followed by architectonic, arch-like corner pieces at either end. Like the medallion and the corner pieces, the border continues the lacey effect and pastel coloration. The thick, luxuriant pile underscores the aura of elegant opulence effected by the design.