
Vintage Chinese Rug 45157

Size: 4 ft x 6 ft 9 in (1.22 m x 2.06 m)
Origin: China

Woven in the 1920s, this colorful Chinese rug features an inventive pattern of flower-decorated tiles that form a series of interlocking pinyin wan figures.

Chinese Rug, China, Early 20th Century – Modern in all respects, this antique Chinese rug represents the restraint and simplicity that makes Chinese rugs so suitable for modern and minimalist environments. This highly decorative Chinese rug woven in the 1920s features a tessellating pattern of colorful fretwork tiles that interlock to form a pattern of secondary pinyin wan motifs. Dainty rosettes featuring segmented petals enhanced with contrasting outlines delineate the center of each tile motif while bringing out the pinyin wan pattern hidden in the intersection between each tile. This antique Chinese carpet features a strong geometric pattern rendered in a modern color scheme that includes orange, fuchsia, celadon, white and saffron yellows set against a cool platinum grey background defined by minimalist borders.

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